Updated Android Market Manager with Samsung ‘Show All’ link

Android Market ManagerJust a quick update.  If you’re using the Android Market Manager library to make life easier when handling multiple Android app stores, be sure to grab the latest update.  I added a field to use the not-so-clearly documented “Seller DeepLink” ID to link to all of your apps on Samsung Apps.

Previously, the library used a web search because this functionality was not available.

So, update the Android Market Manager library and make sure your users find your other apps on the Samsung Galaxy Apps store.

Posted in Android permalink

About ProjectJourneyman

I am an experienced software engineer that has explored all sorts of development landscapes from fortune 100 companies to startups, as well as solo development. I think mobile development still has opportunities for small and independent developers to make a big impact, and I continue to explore the space. I share what I learn in hopes that it might inspire others.

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