A note about scheduling

Several weeks later, I still haven’t cut the legs on my desk.  And now I’ll need to clear some space in the garage.  However, as I’ve been spending much more time at my home office, the extra height is really becoming noticeable and uncomfortable.    As usual, the myriad of projects on my plate all compete for my time and it’s hard to get anything done.  This one is important though!  Hopefully I’ll have a better status report soon, rather than suffering the consequences of not completing the projects related to comfort and safety!

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About ProjectJourneyman

I am an experienced software engineer that has explored all sorts of development landscapes from fortune 100 companies to startups, as well as solo development. I think mobile development still has opportunities for small and independent developers to make a big impact, and I continue to explore the space. I share what I learn in hopes that it might inspire others.

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